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West Vancouver Secondary School

已有 12468 人与招生官建立联系

院校类型 高中 院校性质 公立 建校时间 1982年 是否教育部认证 未获得认证
位于 加拿大 不列颠哥伦比亚省 阿伯茨福德
学校简介西温教育局是一个迅速发展、锐意进取的具有领先科技的学习社区,整个教育局由14所小学和3所中学组成。其中中学包括1)西温中学是西温教育局最大的中学,其一直保持着良好的声誉。2)石山中学位于温哥华市西北部的西温格华市政区,设有8-12等五个年级。3)森特乐中学是西温教育局的第二大中学,也是一个课程十分全面的中学,有来自四十多个不同国家的学生在这里学习。?The Kay Meek Centre for the Performing ArtsIn 2004, new $12 million CAD performing arts centre was constructed over the school‘s old theatre. The Kay Meek Centre for the Performing Arts was the vision of West Vancouver Resident Kay Meek who died in 2004. The centre features a main theatre with seating for 490 as well as a flexible black box studio theatre with seating up to 216 . The studio theatre was finished in February 2006. The first show in the theatre by WVSS was a very small show while the main theatre was still under construction. Kay‘s health was going downhill and so they created a small show just for her. The Kay Meek Centre hosts performances from The Vancouver Recital Society, Early Music Vancouver, and The Arts Club Theatre Company as well as local community organizations like Theatre West Vancouver.International Baccalaureate programWVSS is a member of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. It is the only public school on theNorthShoreto provide the High School program, thus drawing people from Squamish to Deep Cove and even downtownVancouverto the school. It offers a variety of IB courses, such as Biology, Chemistry, English, Film, French, Geography, History, Japanese, Mandarin, Mathematics, Physics, Spanish, Theatre, and Visual Arts at higher or standard level. The standard Diploma programme course, Theory of Knowledge, is required in this program.WVSS is the only public high school in theWest VancouverSchool Districtto offer the IBO Diploma programme; however,MulgraveSchoolalso offers the IBO Diploma. The other three secondary schools in the district, Rockridge, Sentinel, Collingwood, a private school, offer the Advanced Placement (AP) Program.?
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